Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses...
MORE INFOCoronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. This safety short examines the various ways in which Coronaviruses can be spread.
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses...
MORE INFOCoronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
As a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. Recently, a new strain of coronavirus was discovered that has not previously been identified in humans. This new coronavirus, sometimes referred to as the novel coronavirus, leads to Coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19.
This program covers:
The objective of this program is to increase awareness of Coronaviruses in general, and COVID-19 more specifically, and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.
Following procedures that have been laid down will go a long way to protect you from infection.
RUNNING TIME: 10 Minutes
As a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. This safety short...
MORE INFOAs a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. This safety short outlines some of the control measures that can be taken to prevent their spread.
Face Masks are an effective control measure that can be used to control...
MORE INFOFace Masks are an effective control measure that can be used to control the spread of Coronaviruses. This safety short gives a quick overview of common mask types and how to use them correctly.
Effective hand washing technique is crucial in helping avoid infectious...
MORE INFOEffective hand washing technique is crucial in helping avoid infectious diseases and maintaining good health. This safety short gives you a quick overview of how to thoroughly clean your hands.
Working from home is the practice of engaging in work without commuting to...
MORE INFOWorking from home is the practice of engaging in work without commuting to an established location such as an office, a facility, a complex or a campus.
There can be many benefits to both organisations and employees as a result of a remote work arrangement, such as reduced overheads for the organisation, less chance of spreading infectious illness and improved quality of life for the employee.
This program covers:
Just like working on-site a healthy and safe environment should be the goal for all people working from home. Regular, clear communication between management and staff is crucial to achieve this.
RUNNING TIME: 10 Minutes
Ergonomics is just one element that needs to be addressed in Workstation...
MORE INFOErgonomics is just one element that needs to be addressed in Workstation setup. This safety short outlines the important factors to consider when setting up a Workstation.
Elevating Work Platforms are also referred to as EWPs or Mobile Elevating...
MORE INFOElevating Work Platforms are also referred to as EWPs or Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). The use of EWPs has been a major factor in the reduction of falls accidents in the workplace, and in many cases, the use of an EWP is the safest solution to enabling temporary work at height.
However, the use of EWPs is not risk free. There are many potential hazards associated with the use of EWPs.
This comprehensive EWP safety program covers:
The objective of this program is to highlight the importance of operating EWPs safely and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.
DURATION: 16 Minutes
The use of Elevating Work Platforms (EWPs), also referred to as Mobile...
MORE INFOThe use of Elevating Work Platforms (EWPs), also referred to as Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) has been a major factor in the reduction of falls and accidents in the workplace. This safety short gives you a quick overview of the general guidelines when operating an EWP.
The use of Elevating Work Platforms (EWPs), also referred to as Mobile...
MORE INFOThe use of Elevating Work Platforms (EWPs), also referred to as Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) has been a major factor in the reduction of falls and accidents in the workplace. This safety short gives you a quick overview of checks that should be performed before operating an EWP.
Every year there are numerous accidents involving falls in the workplace –...
MORE INFOEvery year there are numerous accidents involving falls in the workplace – some of these accidents result in severe injuries. In the worst cases they result in fatalities. In order to reduce the number of fall type accidents at work we need a fundamental understanding of all types of ‘falling’ accidents and their causes.
This program covers:
Preventing falls in the workplace is a relatively straightforward process. If employees adhere to the organisation’s safety rules and procedures and they follow the guidelines in this program then the risk of falls in the workplace will be greatly reduced.
RUNNING TIME: 11:30 Minutes
A safe work method statement, or SWMS, is a document prepared prior to...
MORE INFOA safe work method statement, or SWMS, is a document prepared prior to carrying out any high risk construction work.
A SWMS is a legal requirement in all high risk construction projects. It specifies the work to be done, the hazards involved in that work, and the safety measures to be implemented to control those hazards.
Slips, trips and falls are a major category of workplace accidents and...
MORE INFOSlips, trips and falls are a major category of workplace accidents and result in a significant number of injuries.
The three most important factors contributing to the occurrence of slips, trips and falls are:
By following some basic safety principles the accidents and injuries that result from slips, trips and falls can be dramatically reduced.
This program looks at all the key hazards associated with slips, trips and falls, including:
The program is suitable for all workplace personnel.
RUNNING TIME: 15 Minutes
Falls from any height, including when using a step ladder, can result in...
MORE INFOFalls from any height, including when using a step ladder, can result in serious injury, but many falls can be avoided if safety procedures are followed. This safety short gives you some general guidelines for safely using a step ladder.
A safe work method statement is a legal requirement, but it is also much...
MORE INFOA safe work method statement is a legal requirement, but it is also much more: it is an essential part of keeping a workplace safe by protecting you and your co-workers from serious injury.
Filling out a SWMS will contain the following elements:
The name and contact details of the employer, company, principal contractor and, work supervisor.
The date that the SWMS was provided to the Principal Contractor.
The site location or the address of the work that is being undertaken.
The high risk construction work that is being performed, including the element of HRCW that is present in the workplace.
The person responsible for ensuring compliance with SWMS.
The date that they received the SWMS.
The measures that are in place to ensure compliance with the SWMS.
How the SWMS control measures will be reviewed.
Both the date of the review and the reviewer signature.
Falls represent the largest single cause of accidental death in the...
MORE INFOFalls represent the largest single cause of accidental death in the workplace.
About 40% of these falls result in falling from one level to another, many from ladders. Many of these falls are serious, but more importantly, many could have been avoided if safety procedures were followed.
This program looks at the selection and safe use of ladders in the workplace.
The following areas are covered:
This program has been designed for general training for all personnel who use ladders.
RUNNING TIME: 14 Minutes