Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses...
MORE INFOCoronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. This safety short examines the various ways in which Coronaviruses can be spread.
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses...
MORE INFOCoronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
As a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. Recently, a new strain of coronavirus was discovered that has not previously been identified in humans. This new coronavirus, sometimes referred to as the novel coronavirus, leads to Coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19.
This program covers:
The objective of this program is to increase awareness of Coronaviruses in general, and COVID-19 more specifically, and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.
Following procedures that have been laid down will go a long way to protect you from infection.
RUNNING TIME: 10 Minutes
As a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. This safety short...
MORE INFOAs a family, coronaviruses are common across the globe. This safety short outlines some of the control measures that can be taken to prevent their spread.
Face Masks are an effective control measure that can be used to control...
MORE INFOFace Masks are an effective control measure that can be used to control the spread of Coronaviruses. This safety short gives a quick overview of common mask types and how to use them correctly.
Effective hand washing technique is crucial in helping avoid infectious...
MORE INFOEffective hand washing technique is crucial in helping avoid infectious diseases and maintaining good health. This safety short gives you a quick overview of how to thoroughly clean your hands.
Working from home is the practice of engaging in work without commuting to...
MORE INFOWorking from home is the practice of engaging in work without commuting to an established location such as an office, a facility, a complex or a campus.
There can be many benefits to both organisations and employees as a result of a remote work arrangement, such as reduced overheads for the organisation, less chance of spreading infectious illness and improved quality of life for the employee.
This program covers:
Just like working on-site a healthy and safe environment should be the goal for all people working from home. Regular, clear communication between management and staff is crucial to achieve this.
RUNNING TIME: 10 Minutes
Ergonomics is just one element that needs to be addressed in Workstation...
MORE INFOErgonomics is just one element that needs to be addressed in Workstation setup. This safety short outlines the important factors to consider when setting up a Workstation.
Most of us are aware that bad lifting and carrying techniques are a major...
MORE INFOMost of us are aware that bad lifting and carrying techniques are a major...
MORE INFOErgonomics is the study of the relationship between people, the equipment...
MORE INFOErgonomics is the study of the relationship between people, the equipment they use and the physical environment in which they work.
Ergonomics is about the application of the knowledge of this relationship to benefit well-being, performance and improve both short and long term health and safety.
Subjects covered in the program include:
Compromises and often small improvement are the hallmarks of almost every organisation's commitment to ergonomics - however, long term results can be dramatic.
Applied properly, ergonomic principles will improve productivity, morale, health and safety.
This program is suitable for all in the workforce for an introduction to ergonomics and to reinforce the principles that must be employed when addressing ergonomic problems.
For children, correct lifting and carrying comes naturally. It’s only as...
MORE INFOFor children, correct lifting and carrying comes naturally. It’s only as we get older and become lazy that we begin to adopt unnatural and potentially injurious lifting and carrying techniques. This safety short gives you a quick guide on how to lift and carry objects correctly.
Manual handling contributes directly to a significant percentage of...
MORE INFOManual handling contributes directly to a significant percentage of work-related accidents and injuries. This safety short covers some important questions to consider before manual handling takes place.
This program has been produced to inform and educate on the safety issues...
MORE INFOThis program has been produced to inform and educate on the safety issues that exist in the office environment. It looks at the common and often overlooked hazards that could exist in an average office, and how these hazards can be recognised and controlled to reduce the risks to individuals working in offices.
The program provides:
It’s easy to consider the office a perfectly safe work environment, and forget about the hazards that can exist. Just because you work in an office, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concerned for your own health and safety, and that of your colleagues.
DURATION: 12 Minutes
Material handling occurs in one way or another in every department of every...
MORE INFOMaterial handling occurs in one way or another in every department of every business on every working day - it is not surprising that accidents and injuries resulting from incorrect manual handling techniques comprise the largest group of occupational hazards that result in lost time.
This program covers the following:
It is important to understand that of all the manual handling activities that put people at risk, lifting and carrying of objects accounts for 75% of all manual handling accidents and injuries.
The principles of correct lifting and carrying must therefore be an important part of any manual handling training program.
This program has been produced with the general workforce in mind, however, because the principles remain unchanged, regardless of the location, it is a program suitable for a wide audience.
RUNNING TIME: 13 Minutes
What is manual handling? Simply, manual handling is the movement of items...
MORE INFOSimply, manual handling is the movement of items by human energy.
Manual handling includes lifting, holding, pushing, pulling, shifting and lowering. In fact, any form of human exertion could be included – with or without the use of mechanical aids.
The steps to deal with manual handling can often be addressed by following through a series of questions. This process, the hierarchy of control measures asks the following:
Manual handling contributes directly to a significant percentage of work related accidents and injuries. Manual handling is an issue that must be addressed as an ongoing subject in the workplace.
RUNNING TIME: 12 Minutes
Working in a warehouse can present a number of hazards, which...
MORE INFOWorking in a warehouse can present a number of hazards, which can potentially result in serious workplace injury. Adhering to good safety practices and procedures is crucial in ensuring the warehouse remains a safe environment and risks are minimised.
This program examines the various hazards that exist in a warehouse and how best to avoid them.
Topics included in the program:
Adherence to thoroughly considered policy and procedures, can play a large part in preventing accidents and injuries.
Accidents and injuries resulting from incorrect manual handling techniques...
MORE INFOAccidents and injuries resulting from incorrect manual handling techniques comprise the largest group of occupational hazards that result in lost time. This safety short gives you a quick overview of correct lifting and carrying technique.